– C'est Shaun !
– C'est quoi Shaun ?!?
– Moi, c'est pas Robert ! C'est Shaun !
– Ça va pas la tête Robert ? T'as touché la roue à eau ?!? Mon cousin m'a raconté qu'il a vu un jour le vieux Goupil s'approcher de la roue hydraulique et qu'il a pris une décharge électrique ! Ben depuis il paraît qu'il confond les poules et les dindons ! T'es pas Shaun, t'es Robert ! Ben... Shaun... Y fait du cinéma !?! Hein ? Tu fais pas du cinéma toi ?!? T'es pas Shaun ! Allez viens ! Fais pas ton mulet ! Tu veux jouer à quoi ? On fait la plouf ! Celui qui gagne, c'est celui qui décide. Plouf-plouf-plouf-c'est-toi-qui-dé-cide... Robert ! Alors alors on fait quoi ?!? Hein ??? C'est pas vrai Robert !!! Quand t'as un truc dans la tête toi ! Bon allez ! Vas-y Rugis ! Un, deux, trois. Maintenant !
– Béééééé-ééh-ééééh !
Mouton au crochet
26 commentaires:
waouwww il est superbe ton robert ma jojo et il a de beaux yeux ,hihihi ;)))
bone journée ,bizouilles...
je craque devant ces bo yeux bleus !
– Moi c'est Shaun ! Pas Robert !
– Arrête Robert ! Lutine et Pruline te font un compliment et c'est tout ce que tu trouves à dire !?! T'es incroyable !
Pardon pardon les filles mais là il boude maintenant !
Merci et bizouilles les filles :)))
Extra ton Robert !!! meme avec une case en moins !!! hihi
M'enfin Céline ! Va falloir maintenant que je l'emmène voir un psycho-Béééééhhh-rapeute... ;)
Bizouilles et bon week-end :)))
My goodness you have so many talents, great knitting job!
Have a lovely weekend.
Hugs, Kathy
OH Shaun-Robert you took up house inside of that Swiss chocolat boite that Clara ate the chocolat from! You are a tricky elephant!
(in other news...you have to see this GOAT TOWER! http://bellasinclair.blogspot.com/
scroll down until you see it!
And the package is in the mail my friend :)
Shaun... Robert... nan, mon p'tit gars ne portera aucun de ces prénoms! Mais sympa quand même pour ces idées jojo...
t'as de beaux yeux Robert, heu Shaun?
OH what fun... of what silliness!
It turns out my new roommate took french in school! It was funny to have her read my book to me. We didn't make it all the way through... so right now I'm feeling very sad for the little kitty!
Have a super lovely weekend!
Chelsea Ann
@ Oh, thank you Kathy, you are very sweet :)
@ Ha ha ha ha ! It is not an elephant, Phyllis ! It's Shaun ! A sheep !
The chocolates were delicious !
I like the Goat Tower !!! Fantastic !
Welcome to the Boo ladies ;)
@ Ben Maricle ! Shaun, Robert, c'est joli...
– Arrête Robert ! Il ne s'agit pas de toi ! Maricle dit seulement que son bébé ne s'appellera pas Shaun ! Mais elle adore Robert !!! ... ;)
@ Merci Olélé :)
@ Ha ha Chelsea ! When will she reads the end of the story ? It must be an happy end... :) have a super weekend too :)))
Oui, Oui, Oui!
Bon Samedi ;)
Oui une mouton! I see the ear I thought was a trunk...
Ha ha ha ! Now I'll be humming it all day too... ;)
Joli samedi Phyllis :)
Oh thank you so much for the link! You are such a lovely friend to remember how I loved Babar! I was very inspired by the site actually. Of the rough draft of the book. I should do this with my book idea so that I can get myself out of this mental block!!! Thanks!!!!!!
Chelsea Ann
P.S. Thanks too for your amazing comment about my mosaic. I'm not thinking life will be better at work next week but I will try very hard to keep a happy attitude and not let the crap of life spoil all the wonderful goodness that fills the rest of my life!
Ah! Votre mouton est tres adorable!! Et votre blog est merveilleux aussi. Merci beaucoup for visiting my goat tower and leaving a very kind comment. I apologize for my high school French, which is now very terrible.
@ Very pleased that you enjoy it Chelsea :)
@ Thank you Bella for your visit :) I am happy to read your comment :) Your french is perfect :)
superbe cette histoire !
Is this the same Shaun the Sheep from the cartoon? I have wanted to crochet some amigurumi, which is why I'm trying to learn to crochet! Maybe I should stick to knitting and make sheep with you!! ;) I have a dog/pig that I knitted at the beginning of my blog who would love Shaun!!
Yes ! The Nick Park's one ! Sacré Robert ! Shaun ! No ! Robert wants to meet Pig and Dog ! So I make a sandwich and let's go for a visit :) It's a shame you are so far, we would crochet together :) Have a lovely day Bethany :)
:) Yes... chocolate always makes everything better!!! I ended up looking back at the posts that you commented on... it's been awhile since I read my first postings! Life has changed so much since then-- I was teaching, homeschooling and we were trying to find a house to buy in our old neighborhood (which we did!) after moving away to a huge new house that we ended up hating! I am trying to read your comments without help of translation and am getting better at it! I should see if they have a French language program at our library! Add that to my list of things to learn! I know a little bit but I would be too embarrassed right now to make a silly mistake... but that's silly, isn't it? ;)
Blogs are interesting for that I think, It shows you how things change in your life (in the right or wrong way)...
Hé hé hé ! Great ! But you should'nt be embarrassed to make a mistake... Through mistakes, you certainly learn :) Am I embarrassed ? Hein ? Ha ha ha :) Maybe I should... Ha ha ha :)
Merci :)
Trop marrant celui la !
Hi hi :) Merci Isabelle et bon week-end :)
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