Cerisier mon bon cerisier, offre-moi tes jolis fruits. Je ne leur ferai pas de mal, c'est promis ! Nous adorons
♥ les cerises
♥ par ici. On pourrait prévoir un clafoutis et puis quand on aurait fini, nous les imaginons assez bien sur du pain de campagne le matin au petit déjeuner. Pour cela il faudra seulement les équeuter et les dénoyauter... rien de grave ! Vingt minutes au SPA et vite en verrine !
La cerise tache ! On s'attache à elle, elle tache ! Alors un sac en toile de couleur clair n'est peut-être point l'idéal. Dans ce sac à cerises je propose qu'on y mette un thermos de café, une tablette de chocolat et un
petit pourquoi
petit ? un morceau de quatre-quarts, pour avoir des forces au moment de la cueillette.
Je m'allongerai à l'ombre du cerisier, pendant que vous prendrez tant de plaisir à la cueillette, hein ?
Kirschen Bag dessiné dans un torchon de cuisine, cousu à la main par Jojo-Caramel pour y transporter le ch
ocolat et aller
cueillir prendre du repos à l'ombre de l'arbre
. Le chocolat avec des cerises... c'est si bon !

24 commentaires:
I love you little cherry bag and those wonderful cherries. I had some cherries for dessert tonight after dinner, and they were yummy! Have a wonderful weekend sweet friend.
Thank you dear Lizzie Jane :) Have a very nice weekend too :) xo
C'est très beau! tu deviens vraiment une pro du crochet!
il est super, ce sac-torchon !! très original ! et les petites cerises en crochet, à croquer !!
gros bisous et bonne dégustation !
☆ :))) Merci Bliss Cocotte :) Bon Week-end :)
☆ Merci Boulon :) C'est adorable :) Gros bisous et bon week-end :)
Cherry preserves are the best... do you make some? Your bag is SOOO charming!!! And your photos. mmmmm. I can taste them from the pictures!!!
CHERRIES! YUM! And I love them in your little girl's hair! Hubby just brought home for me a jar of Bonne Maman Cherry Sauce for me to bake with!
☆ Unfortunately not. I'm making some jam :) Thank you sweet Bethany :) They are very tasty :)
☆ Thanks :) She did love them also ;) Yum, Cherry Sauce, so delicious !
I think cherries are the prettiest of all the fruits, their color is so cheery and sweet looking. It makes one happy to just look at cherries, I think. Are you making a clafoutis with your cherries? Do you have a clafoutis recipe to share?
et dans ton zoli sac y a de la place pour une pruline et ses béquilles ? parcequ'elle adore les cerises et le chocolat !
☆ Clafoutis recipe
± 1 pound of black cherries - 4 eggs - 1/2 cup sugar - 1/2 cup butter - 1 cup milk - vanilla sugar - pinch salt.
1) wash the cherries and remove the stalks. Do not pit.
2) Beat the egg omelette in a bowl and add a pinch of salt and the sugar. Mix well.
3) Sift the flour and pour in rain on the eggs. Mix until smooth.
4) Melt 60 g butter and add to the dough when it is slightly cooled. Add milk to thin.
5) Butter a flat porcelain cake pan and store the cherries. Add the pastry over the fruits and add on the top some butter.
6) Bake at 410° F (210 ° C) until the top begins to brown. Dusting of vanilla sugar and serve:)
Hoping my translation will be all right :) Have a lovely weekend my friend :) xo
☆ Olala ma pauvre Pruline. Mais oui mais oui. Entre donc, j'ai encore du chocolat et des cerises :) Bisous :)
Ooh thank you for the recipe! I bought some vanilla sugar the other day. I didn't need it for anything, I just saw the package and wanted it. I must have known I needed it for your clafoutis recipe! ;)
Now ... I need to go to the farmer's market and buy some cherries. Thank you again, I will let you know how I did with your recipe. :)
Is clafoutis made with other kinds of fruit or just always cherries?
I hope your weekend is lovely too!!!
Oups !!! I forgot the flour > 1/2 cup flour (i've mentioned it in point 3)
you can use a seasonal fruit, raspberry, blueberry, apricot, plum, peach, black/white grape, apple, pear... :) Bisous :)
JoJo, a designer, chef, mother, photographer, poet, philosopher, enjoyer of life. I am happy to know you through your wonderful blog. Thank you for sharing. hugs Margie.
Cherries in June! How odd! We have our cherry season at Christmas time. Christmas isn't Christmas without a big bowl of cherries in the middle of the table. We truly are a half a world away!
joli et gourmand...
Thanks for your clafoutis recipe ^ !
Here it it is still a tad early for the dutch cherries, but the foreign (french) are already in the shop, but there is nothing like eating cherries right from the tree and there are no better earrings either!
☆ Oh you are so sweet :) what a compliment, I am as red as my cherries :) Thank you for your so kind comment :) Have a lovely weekend Margie :) Hugs
☆ And for us it is so funny to imagine the cherry season at Christmas time, Jenny. No cherry for us for Christmas, only orange :) I'd dream to celebrate Christmas in summer :) I wish you a happy weekend :) xo
☆ Merci Maricle :) Bisous :)
☆ Yes i agree, eating them right from the tree is the best way and they make the nicest natural earrings :) Have a nice weekend lili :) xo
ah oui, je me souviens des cerises sur les oreilles, j'adore!
:) Bonne journée Olélé :) Bisous :)
C'est pimpant, c'est frais avec un parfum
d'enfance.... j'adore !!!
Le chocolat et les cerises... je n'avais pas encore
goûté !!!
Best post ever! Love all of it! Did you pick that little blonde haired doll off the cerise tree too?
☆ Merci beaucoup fée un vœu :) Belle journée :)
☆ Thank you Bliss :) Ha ha ha ha ha > Yes !
j'adore les cerises , alors quand jojo s'y met c'est un regal ! bizouilles
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