vendredi 20 mars 2009

St Herbert

Vendredi 20 mars 2009. 4° à l'ombre ce matin.
Le printemps est là aujourd'hui... avec le soleil !

Au printemps, on est un peu fou.
Toutes les fenêtres sont claires,
Les prés sont pleins de primevères,
On voit des nouveautés partout.

Les oiseaux chantent à tue-tête,

Et tous les enfants sont contents.
On dirait que c'est une fête...
Ah ! Que c'est joli, le printemps !

Lucie Delarue-Mardrus

18 commentaires:

  1. Ca sent bon la pêche, le petit rosé et le saucisson :)


  2. Joli et lumineux printemps à toi et ta petite fée !!!

  3. Happy first day of spring!!!
    The yellow crocus are so pretty on the hillside!
    Hugs and bisous :)

  4. Happy Spring to you!!!! The flowers are so pretty. Have a great day...m..

  5. Happy Spring to you!!!! The flowers are so pretty. Have a great day...m..

  6. Happy Spring to you!!!! The flowers are so pretty. Have a great day...m..

  7. Such pretty yellow crocuses peeking up through the ground! Isn't Spring glorious?

    I found an empty bird's nest on the ground today. I guess that means that the little birdies have hatched and flown away and that it's time for baby ducklings to be found floating around the rivers at Disneyland (my favorite part of Spring). I wonder if my neighbor's daffodils are peeking up out of the ground yet, just like your crocuses? I will have to go see!

    Happy first day of Spring to you and Clara!


  8. Happy Spring! What wonderful crocus, I hope I see some in my garden soon.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. @ :)
    @ Merci Fée un vœu :) Joli Printemps !!!
    @ I love crocus, it is such a beautiful flower :) xo
    @ Happy Spring to you Mary :) xo
    @ I love Spring, it's light, flowers... beautiful :) Oh I found one last year too :) a lovely one :) ah daffodils... so lovely too :) Happy Spring to you and thank you Sue :) xo
    @ Happy Spring to You Sarah :) xo
    @ Thank you Lizzie Jane and Happy Spring too :) they will peek up out of the ground soon :) Have a lovely weekend :) xo

  10. exActEment!!!
    c'est le corp tout entier qui sourit!!!

  11. Happy Spring Olivia!!! I've missed you so much, but i am back! I have yellow crocuses popping up too! Hopefully life will get a little less hectic or at least a little more sane!! Thank you for all your comments and emails!!!

  12. Happy Spring JoJo Caramel....your poetry is image inspiring and I am so happy to read it. Have a great weekend. hugs Margie.

  13. Such a sweet poem!!! And your yellow crocus blossoms are beautiful. Happy first weekend of Spring! =)

  14. @ Belle journée Olélé :) Bisous :)
    @ Oooooh Bethany :) I have missed you so much too ! Happy Spring !!!! xo
    @ Happy Spring to you too Margie !!! Hugs :) xo
    @ Thank you Louise :) Happy Spring to you too my friend :) xo

  15. C'est Crocus c'est Crocus le chat qui n'aime pas les puces, le chat de la Petite Josette (un peu hors sujet je reconnais) Beau printemps à toi !

  16. Hé hé hé :) J'adore :) Joli printemps à toi aussi MamCastor :)

  17. Fa-bu-lo-us crocus!!!!! Love them!


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