vendredi 19 décembre 2008

Je Joue Tag

Dans la fosse, face à son pupitre chétif, il bat la mesure à l'aide de sa baguette magique et de la main qui lui reste libre, fait signe aux musiciens, leur donne les nuances et les consignes.
Il joue de la baguette, sa main la fait danser ! Sur son iceberg seul et en danger, son pas doit être sûr et léger.

Je joue Tag, scrapbook designed with pride by Jojo Caramel.
Crèche du très bel ouvrage “Krippen. Nativity Scenes” aux éditions Taschen.

17 commentaires:

  1. I just love visiting your blog. Not only for your sweet tags (votre musician est si charmant), but for reading and trying to understand the French. I really like trying to translate (and maybe expand my very small French vocabulary) while looking at your pretty photos!

    Joyeux Noel!

  2. décidement chez les Jojo on est des pro en dessin, en musique.... quelle belle éducation accomplie !

  3. @ Thank you Sue :) Enjoy yourself :)
    Have a very lovely day :) Et...
    Joyeux Noël !
    @ Merci Pruline :) Bonne journée :)

  4. What a lovely girl playing the piano!!
    Thank you for your lovely comment- and yes! My mother- in- law enjoyed the Gewurtztraminer, and hubby and I too both at home and when we are in France!... Looooove France!!

    Joyeux Noel!!

  5. Do I see a wee pianist? Is there anything that girl can't do? I want to see video now of Clara playing!
    Love the tag Olivia :) Let me know quand you need more ;) Wow, I'm really bilingual arent, I? Haha!
    Oh! did you get the fudge recipe I sent!

  6. @ Thank you Monica ! Cheers ! and Joyeux Noël too :)
    @ As you can see Phyllis, your tags are very useful to me :) I've used all of them :) You are totally without doubt, bilingual ! The fudge recipe, yes this morning, thank you so much ! I'll try it very very soon :))) We love fudge :) Yummy :) Have a very lovely day my friend :)

  7. ça swing chez JoJo, et moi j'aime ça!

  8. @ Merci Olélé :) Bonne journée :)
    @ Merci Barbara :) Joyeux Noël :)

  9. superbe ! j'aime beaucoup, les détails sont très raffinés, c'est très joli ! passe de bonnes fêtes ! à bientôt ! bisous

  10. Merci Boulonne :) Jolies fêtes de fin d'année :) Bisous :)

  11. Joyeux Noël to you and Clara! I hope your holidays are wonderful!!

  12. Joyeux Noel, Clara et JoJo-Caramel!

    Have a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year!

    Your little pianist is darling! =)

  13. Hope you & your family enjoy the holidays together!!!!!

  14. coucou ma jolie jojo ;)))
    je passe par ici pour te souhaiter un très joyeux Noël à toi et ta petite famille...
    plein de bisous ;)))

  15. Merry Christmas Olivia!!!!! I love your conductor tag!!! I love that little fan and his boutineer (?) I can't spell that! I didn't know that Clara played piano!! I used to play when I was exactly her age. I still pull out the Christmas music and play for myself every year!
    I do hope you have a wonderful holiday! And think about coming to the U.S. sometime and staying here with us!!!! Much love, Bethany xoxoxo

  16. Quelle famille d'artistes tout y est !!! vous etes pret pour une Jojo Family tournée !!!! Bizouilles


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